As the prophet Jonah emerged from the belly of the whale after three days, traditionally seen as an image of the Resurrection, our support of small businesses, to help Christians stay in their homelands, not migrate and build a future, is called Project Jonah. Bringing hope where there has been despair, with a mini micro-financed donation, we have helped numerous businesses in five countries so far, enabling families create a future, and not just survive, but thrive. Nasarean is one of the very few charities doing this essential work – investing in the future for Christians and keeping the cradle of Christianity alive.
Join Our Cause
Woodworking shop - Salam Center

St. George's Medical Clinic - Bartella

Dairy Farm - Tarek
Taxi - Fares

Appetizers - Martin

Stationary Shop - Amer

B Band

Agricultural and Livestock Farm - Ameel

Restaurant - Janet

Cafeteria/Coffeeshop - Melad

Salon - Shetour