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Remember Tarek and his shy cows? We last sent updates on the construction on their new farm home.  It's finished and Tarek will move the 2 cows and the calf into it shortly! They're producing milk. processing cheese, and successfully selling their products. Please keep all our Lebanese businesses in your prayers. So far, Tarek is still doing well, but we've been told that others have been affected by the war.  Please pray ceaselessly for everyone over there!

We are pleased to announce Tarek has completed his farm's foundation and hopes to finish remaining construction this spring. He will need to purchase 2 or 3 more cows to maintain continuity of milk/cheese production, but he sends Nasarean supporters this message: "I want to thank you once again for everything you offer me and every Lebanese to help them achieve their dreams without leaving their families and land."

We have some good news from a couple of the businesses you have helped in Lebanon where things are very tough. Our friend Tarek Kheir in the beautiful mountain town of Douma, has bought another cow to help with his small dairy business. When we visited in June his other two cows were not very friendly!

We visited Tarek - we helped him buy 2 cows for his dairy business in Douma, in the mountains of Lebanon. Despite the terrible economic conditions, he is keeping going, and on the very night we visited, he was invited to support a local convent with his cows and expertise. Project Jonah, giving new life and keeping Christians in their homelands!

Once again, in the middle of terrible struggles, the families you are helping to start businesses are sending us positive reports. Tarek Kheir, from Douma in North Lebanon, who is starting a cheese and dairy business, bought his second cow and some machines (pictured) to milk and to produce Ghee from the milk.

First Giving Tuesday business: We will be supporting Mr Tarek Kheir, who lives in the village of Douma in North Lebanon. He is single and supports both his parents. He is starting a cheese making business. He had two cows, but had to sell one because his income from his previous job was down to $215 a month! (a sign of the terrible economic situation in Lebanon) - with two more cows and equipment, his business will become sustainable. Through your generosity - our “Project Jonah” bringing life to Christians in the Middle East to help them to stay - we will buy Tarek two cows, at a cost of $2,500 each - and equipment. Pictures to follow - and news of other businesses in Iraq, Lebanon and Syria that you are helping!