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We will be supporting Mr Tarek Kheir, who lives in the village of Douma in North Lebanon. He is single and supports both his parents. He is starting a cheese making business. He had two cows, but had to sell one because his income from his previous job was down......

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As we move into the last part of Advent we can look at the person of St. Joseph as a guide and help. Pope Francis has just called a special “Year of St. Joseph” to focus on his important role in our lives. Joseph is a true model of faithful......

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The season of Advent is not really about “Christ coming at Christmas” - He has already come, so Christmas is really a time of thanksgiving for His birth and First Coming. Advent is preparation for that thanksgiving - but truly a time of wakefulness and watchfulness for His Second Coming.......

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We did it!!! We set our goal of $15,000 and even received a $6,000 match.  By the end of Tuesday, December 1st, we had reached the goal and even surpassed it.  Thank you to everyone who donated and supported us.  We are wonderfully blessed by your generosity, especially during these......

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