Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed! Our Christian faith is based on a sure hope, St. Peter says. This hope has...
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Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed! Our Christian faith is based on a sure hope, St. Peter says. This hope has...
One look from the Crucified Christ is enough to place all of paradise within the reach of a thief. Paul Claudel. ...
We hit another anniversary this week - 2 years of Gospel Nuggets! We learn this week about another role model the...
As we head closer to the great days of Holy Week we probably all need a spiritual kick. Sometimes, that stern word...
Fr. Ben mentioned in
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We have all heard the phrase, why do bad things happen to good people? Often the answer of some is to blame God, even...
Discerning God's will in our lives, discovering what is good, acceptable and perfect, is more important than anything...
We have reached the milestone of 100 weeks of Gospel Nuggets! For this 100th episode Father Ben shares a message of...