St. Paul, writing to Timothy in his second letter, from prison where he is in chains for preaching the Good News,...
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St. Paul, writing to Timothy in his second letter, from prison where he is in chains for preaching the Good News,...
For all in the English-speaking world, and especially for this who have English roots, or a connection with England,...
It's said that Jesus uses the word truth, or a variation of it, more than 70 times in the Gospels. As we meditate again...
Fr. Ben is quoted in this Cathoilc News Agency article, voicing his support for Cardinal Zen:
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A picture, the old saying goes, paints a thousand words. This is certainly the case with the Calling of St. Matthew, by...
Following the successful installation of the Shrine of Mary, Mother of Persecuted Christians in London on September...
This week we introduce you to a giant of the Church, a white martyr who suffered for the Faith in living memory -...
Humility, closeness to the earth, reminds us who we are and where we came from. It is nothing to do with self-image or...