Did you miss Fr. Ben's interview with Conversations with Consequences on Saturday regarding Michael Nazir-Ali's...
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Did you miss Fr. Ben's interview with Conversations with Consequences on Saturday regarding Michael Nazir-Ali's...
This nugget revisits in part a nugget from last year, as we have entered the month of November, the traditional time of...
Many people are experiencing a sense of disquiet: about the world, the Church, in their own personal lives. The lesson...
As promised, a second book recommendation for your Christmas stocking, or earlier! Tim Stanley's "Whatever Happened To...
The conversion of Michael Nazir-Ali was announced yesterday. Read Fr. Ben's article about why his conversion is...
As I recommend books once in a while, I'm highlighting the fine book by Fr. Juan Velez, Holiness in a Secular Age, The...
This day, October 7, 2021, is a hugely significant moment in world history. It is a particularly important moment for...
It’s a given fact that in the Western world, Christianity appears to have been somewhat emasculated: look around...
We are all familiar with the story of Martha and Mary, the sisters who were close friends of the Lord. Their welcome...
One of the joys of a country walk is to able to pick fruit growing on the highways and byways and, if you are lucky, to...