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We received a beautiful thank you from our friend, Bishop Armash, the Armenian Apostolic Bishop of Damascus in Homs, Syria: "Your support is vital to our mission of helping the community around us and making their lives better. We are so grateful for your contribution, and we hope this letter will help you see how much it means to us....Your contribution went directly toward helping people in our community who are hurting and facing difficult times. The support you have shown us helps us continue to fulfill biblical commands like caring for the widow, orphan and stranger (James 1:27)." 

They had to cease operations in their training center (that we supported in 2021) due to COVID but are hopeful to start offering courses again this October. The school, center, and church offices are struggling with the power outages and he has requested to install solar panels with some of the funds we have sent. We agreed they should do what is necessary because through this effort, countless individuals will gain the skills they need to support themselves, their families, and remain vital members of the Christian community.  

(This pic is from the hairdressing class they offered in 2019.)

Syrian update from Bishop Armash