We have helped a farmer and his family of 4 with a calf farm in Sokna fix ventilation and water sprinklers and...

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After training 100 women, the 4 most accomplished were awarded sewing machines to start their own businesses. During...

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Four 4 women have opened their own salons. These 4 women were either already trained or given training by graduates of...

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Still in Egypt this week!  Your donations helped 10 widows open small herb shops, established to offer a diverse...

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We promised more news on our Egypt businesses and today we have the water filter program.  Four young individuals...

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For Fr. Ben's 60th bday last year, you helped us expand to our 4th country and boy did your support go far and wide....

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$800,000 reached!

We have some spectacular Christmas news for our beautiful donor...

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Your overwhelming support of the woodworking project there for Fr. Ben's 60th birthday last year has born fruit. We...

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