World premier of Mass for Persecuted Christians at second United States shrine installation

World premier of Mass for Persecuted Christians at second United States shrine installation

Following the successful installation of the Shrine of Mary, Mother of Persecuted Christians in London on September 8th, 2022, we have the great joy of announcing an extremely exciting event in October! 
On October 21st, 2022, at 7.00pm, at the Church of St. John the Evangelist in Clinton, Massachusetts, the second Shrine in the US will be established. To be blessed by the Bishop of Worcester, Bishop Robert McManus, the icon, painted by an Iraqi Chaldean Deacon who had to flee his town when ISIS occupied it, will also be dedicated as the icon of Mary, Mother of Persecuted Christians. Even more exciting, the Mass, to be entirely sung, will feature the world premiere of the Mass for Persecuted Christians, written by the renowned Catholic composer, Paul Jernberg. Featuring the Cor Unum choir, this beautiful Mass is intended to be used by choirs and parishes when they celebrate liturgies for the persecuted. We are so grateful to Paul Jernberg for creating this incredible and sublime Mass setting.  Please come if you are anywhere near - or even if you are far away! RSVP at