As we always do leading up to Giving Tuesday, because it is so important, we thank all of you who supported Nasarean this year, particularly our regular donors. We survive on small donations – we've no major supporters, and we receive no help from any governments or the Church. The people we help know that it is ordinary Catholics and other Christians who help them, not giving to a faceless charity, but to faces and families. Our very smallness allows a large percentage of our donations to be used for the simple purpose of the charity – aid and advocacy for persecuted Christians throughout the world. We are not an NGO – this charity exists because we are brothers and sisters in Christ, and we take the Bible seriously – if one part of the Body is suffering, we are all suffering. From the very beginning, we have lived by our motto from St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians 6:10: “Let us do good to all men, but first to the members of the household of the faith.” Therefore, once again, thank you for your support, especially your prayers!