The last year has been profoundly affected, as you can imagine, by the events in Israel of Oct 7, 2023, and all that has happened since. Once again, the entire Middle and Near-East has been destabilized, putting so many people at risk. For all our brethren it is a struggle. The good news is, that, thanks to your generosity, we are working in 5 countries – Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Armenia – doing our simple and specific aid, which is to mini micro-finance small family businesses, to keep the indigenous Christians in their ancient homelands. We passed, just in the last few weeks, the figure of 50 family businesses in Iraq, supported with your help. This is not just 50 families who have stayed, are working, and making a future for themselves, but employees, their families and others associated with the businesses. While it is true that much of Fr. Ben's advocacy work must point out the ‘bad news’ of the persecution of Christians, what we're doing at Nasarean and have been doing for eight years, almost alone – is the positive answer for those who wonder how to practically help persecuted Christians – help a family start a business, stay in your home and don’t migrate. For a tiny charity, 50 businesses in one country alone is a figure we can all be very proud of, and thankful. And it's all thanks to your generous support over the years!