Our mission is to provide Aid & Advocacy to persecuted Christians, especially in the Middle East

Product Jonah


Nasarean.org’s unique role in aiding persecuted Christians to stay in their countries is supporting and encouraging mini micro-financing to create small businesses – what we call “Project Jonah” - to help families rebuild their lives, feel empowered, and break the culture of dependency.

Father Ben

Father Ben

Father Ben divides his time between the US, UK and the Middle East, speaking, preaching and writing, trying to focus attention on the plight of persecuted Christians around the world. He visits war-torn Iraq, Syria and Lebanon where Nasarean.org is now supporting a number of family businesses.



Advocacy is the principal work of Fr. Ben’s priestly ministry and includes, among many things – writing, media, speaking - educating and informing audiences about the widespread assault on Christians which is, according to Pope Francis, worse than at any time since the first centuries of the Church.

Gospel Nugget 256: Doing Good

The phrase to “do no harm,” while profoundly important, is not the same as doing good. This week some personal thoughts on what that means for us.

Latest News from Father Ben

Nasarean Icon Project


At the heart of Nasarean’s mission is prayer for our persecuted brethren throughout the world. Without that focus, we are just another NGO.

Click the link below to learn more about our Icon Project.
Icon Project


Sewing Shop - Shamoun

Today we have the bright, cheerful sewing shop of Mr. Shamoun in Bartella.  His little shop is supporting 3...

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"Let us do good to all men, but especially to those who are of the household of the Faith." - St. Paul