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A challenge that has faced Christians almost since the beginning is the question of how much assimilation to a non-Christian society is possible. It is part of the question of “rendering unto Caesar.” At all times, there may be different answers. This week, we look at some advice from the......

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Christians, one would presume, should never deliberately offend people, or deliberately irritate them. Yet, today, it seems, many non-Christians find everything about Christianity “offensive.” Curiously, in one of the very earliest Christian documents, the Letter of Pope St. Clement to the Corinthians, we are actually told to “offend” people -......

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When the going gets tough, Christians do not retreat, but go into battle. Times may be difficult, but the Lord promised “He who endures to the end will be saved.” It is how we face seeming disaster that distinguishes us from those who have no faith or hope. Desperate times......

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We are pleased to announce that the music being premiered at Friday's shrine installation in Clinton, Mass - "Mass for Persecuted Christians" by Paul Jernberg - can be heard here.

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