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Fr. Ben's latest - and first for The European Conservative (expansion of yesterday's nugget) -

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“Remember your leaders,” the Letter to the Hebrews says, and “imitate their faith.”
Leadership is both charism and character. In the great series “Band of Brothers,” we see, in Major Dick Winters, a model leader, both for the army and the Church. He combined the essential characteristics of the Good......

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Jesus tells us many times not to be anxious, to worry about “what you eat, what you are to wear.” He is calling for a deeper level of faith and trust. If we could really see that the world and everything in it is truly dependent on God, that anxiety......

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The world of the first Christians had many of the characteristics of modern western society, what the novelist Walker Percy called “corrupt and boring.” Into that world, and into our society, the message of the Gospel comes as light, life and hope. Young people who are truly seeking the good,......

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Even if unofficially, we are in the Octave of Pentecost, still pondering the gifts and fruits of the Spirit. Our Christian life is about getting our words and actions to coordinate - to “talk the talk” and “walk the walk!” We need the Holy Spirit, with His gifts, to give......

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